Monday 23 January 2012

The Boat with a hole gets a new Captain

     After a disastrous two years the co-CEO's of RIM, Mike Lazaridis and Jim Balsillie, have decided that the company was ready for a change and have stepped down. To replace them the board of directors have appointed current COO Thorsten Heins to helm the ship.
     In its prime RIM controlled the corporate sector and its BBM service captivated consumers. However in recent years they seem to have lost their way, refusing to innovate in times of heavy market competition. In an open letter a senior executive disclosed what a struggle it had been to combine the CEOs to incorporate music players and cameras into the phones. They have also refused to upgrade the components in their phones sticking to 2 year old processors when competitors were switching to dual core models with high definition screens.

     The company is transitioning and plans a huge expansion with its Blackberry 10 OS and a redesigned Playbook and I hope that this change shifts the thinking within the once great company.

     For more news, reviews and videos stay locked on the site.

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