Tuesday 17 January 2012

   A month ago I switched from a Blackberry to my Motorola RAZR and one of the first things I looked into was which data plan I should get for my phone. I chose after a lot of research and just wanted to share my opinions on what I thought was best for me and would really suit most people.
   Almost a year and a half ago the Government sold all of the major telecom companies 3G licences allowing India to move into the world of 3G. Today most of the networks are fully optimized and work without a hitch and I thought I should take the time out to see if its worth upgrading to the carrier's 3G service.

1 comment:

  1. Yep. 3G isn't what it promised it would be, is it?
    Still, the telecom companies need money to improve their systems to maximise the usefulness of 3G - the money will come from more usage - the usage will increase if the systems improve; so it's a vicious circle, as always.
    We'll get there though, while others move on to 5G, or whatever is coming next. Eventually we'll get there - we always do.
    Thanks for this insight, BTW. It's very interesting reading.
